About FiveEightTen

What we do
FiveEightTen is the first (and only!) digital portal and tracker dedicated to the travel and tourism sector to transform global diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) data into an easy-to-use and understandable dashboard to track our progress as a sector towards a better future.
We aggregate data on all inclusivity, diversity and equity measures within six pillars (diversity measures, gender diversity, racial/ethnic diversity, LGBTQ+, disability and inclusive measures), to give you snapshot of how you deliver on your DEI targets as an organisation as well as track your progress over time with a clear mission to facilitate its achievement by 2030.
Our Mission
As an evidence based and data driven organisation, we aim to find common grounds and press for progress on ID&E. We will leverage our unique global reach and convening power to improve gender equality, promote sustainable economic growth and reduce inequalities across the sector.
Our Vision
Our vision is to become the leading global platform within the travel and tourism sector, that ensures diversity, inclusion and equality while we empower the sector's achievement of UNSDG's by 2030.
Our Story
FiveEightTen is an independent, non-partisan foundation that was born out of a desire to unify, mobilise, inspire and empower the travel and tourism sector to achieve the three key SDG equality goals by 2030.
We founded FiveEightTen as we believe to measure is to manage and to know is to act.
Based on solid data and analytics the platform will provide decision makers in the private sector and policy makers in the public sector the information you need so the choices you make are guided by diversity and inclusion as a central pillar for the success of your organisation as well as your destination.
We aggregate data on all inclusivity, diversity and equity (ID&E) measures to enable you to get a snapshot of how you are delivering on your ID&E targets as an organisation as well as track your progress over time towards your ID&E goals with a clear mission to facilitate its achievement by 2030.

Our Purpose
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been in
existence since 2005 and provide the world with 17 crucial global goals which together, when accomplished, safeguard a sustainable future for all, leaving no one behind. Yet, this battle is being fought on many fronts and by many different forces.
At FiveEightTen we are passionate advocates of the potential of the SDGs as a force for good, yet we acknowledge that there is little visibility regarding their progress globally.
By creating a platform that serves as a Global Mission Control Centre for inclusivity, diversity and equity (ID&E) we strengthen the collective wisdom of entrepreneurs, change agents, policymakers, and the general audience, to ensure diversity, inclusion and equity is front and centre when it comes to decision making which will eventually help the entire travel and tourism sector achieve the SDGs 5, 8 and 10 by 2030.